Predictable Monthly Passive Income
Most successful people struggle to fnd a safe, private investment opportunity to grow and preserve their wealth. Stocks are unpredictable, real estate rentals are a hassle, and bond yields are barely worth the effort.
This FREE eBook will:
Introduce you to a simple, stress-free way to invest in real estate
Share unique strategies to diversify your portfolio
Clarify the benefts of mortgage loans compared to traditional investments
Hi, I'm Eric Scharaga
Author of Lienlord &
Co-Founder of Legacy Land Fund
After thirteen years of dealing with the hassles and unpredictability of land-lording, I realized I would never achieve my goal of financial freedom through rental real estate.
Then, I discovered a low-risk investment strategy for developing high-yield passive income without worrying about stock market fluctuations or managing rental properties.
I wrote the book, Lienlord, to share my story of achieving financial independence so you could do the same.
Hi, I'm Quinn McArthur
Co-Founder of Legacy Land Fund
As a West Point graduate and former Green Beret, I was determined to support my family well after my Army career.
I wanted more time with my wife and three children, which meant fnding steady, passive income.
I needed to invest my hard-earned money into something safer, more reliable, and transparent than just traditional investments. That's when I started investing in land.
The success I've had in land investments and the income it has provided, led my partner and I to launch the Legacy Land Fund.
Collectively, Quinn and Eric have purchased over 500 mortgage loans and currently hold an inventory of over $1.5M in vacant land notes. They have directly financed over $5.5M in land acquisitions across 36 states.